Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The 90 Day Challenge - Days 6, 7, 8


The past few days have been about follow through and gaining momentum on the projects that I currently have in hand. Having completed my financial chart, I’m in the process of composing and mailing letters to relevant parties, creating a budget that will work, setting up automatic payments from my bank (which will enable me to place my attention on other matters and know that everything is being taken care of), and taking stock of changes in my behavior so that I may cement all the new activities seamlessly into my schedule.

I’ve been faithful to working out at home on my personal equipment, and it gets easier each time. I’ve found that if I make it my first activity in the morning, it feels almost effortless, and is not on my mind all day as something that I need to schedule into my day.

These few days have also been about the process of examining myself from an intellectual standpoint. I was having a conversation with a friend and during the conversation I made a statement that surprised me as being true, but I hadn’t given it any thought previously. I stated that the past 7 years have been about my grieving process surrounding the events of September 11, 2001, and that I feel that I’ve finally come out of some sort of shell. I hadn’t realized that I’d put my life on hold, but after looking over my activities for the past 7 years, that’s exactly what I’ve done. This process has allowed me to reawaken myself and to live consciously again. The amazing thing is other people that I’m associated with have also noticed the change and are making positive comments.

That I earned a Masters degree in this period totally astounds me. In the middle of all of the internal struggle that I’ve had about the 9/11 event, I found strength to go back to school and accomplish that major task. The realization that I could accomplish the requirements of a degree during this past period is a testament to the powerful humanity and intent within me, and it feels wonderful to know that about myself.

Additionally this time has also been about acknowledging that I needed to slow down a moment to take stock of the first days of this venture, and to refocus and move more aggressively to my end goal. I am very proud to say that this process is awakening many aspects of living for me, and I am seeing positive results already. Today I will continue working on the projects that I already have in hand, and ensure that my intention remains steadfast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've added you to my blogroll.. I'm keeping an eye on you!! :)

When i get around to it (ugh) I will show you MY stack of papers.... UGH!!!